Sunday, August 11, 2013

Open Learning Spaces PLG - September 5th

Following the huge success of the last PLG at the National Library, the next meeting will be on Thursday September 5th, 4.30pm at Hobsonville Point Primary.

They'll be an opportunity to have a tour of the school, talk about the vision and design thinking behind the new space, as well as to learn how teachers are working collaboratively to teach in their innovative learning environments. There will also be an opportunity to get an update on the forthcoming high school and find out about spatial and pedagogical plans for the new environment.  It promises to be a fascinating session.

Registration is free, and can be found along with further information about the PLG on the site.

More meetings are planned for later on in the year. Term 4 is looking like having a high school focus. 

If you have any questions, feedback or ideas for the PLG, these are very welcome - just email.

1 comment:

  1. Much has been made of having a well-designed classroom these days, and with good reason. A number of studies have shown that a poorly laid out classroom can cause problems for both the students and the teacher. Students find themselves more easily distracted and less engaged, and teachers have a hard time finding needed materials and keeping the mountains of paperwork they need manageable and under control. Most of us do not have control over which classroom we are assigned. However, we can all find ways to make the best use of the space we have. As discussed in my last few blogs, teacher centered learning is becoming less fashionable while student cooperative learning is thriving. Additionally, teachers need to take into account various student learning styles and comfort levels to maximize classroom success. Here are some helpful hints towards these goals. Flexible seating arrangements using flexible furniture come in handy. Sitting students in a U for class discussions has been found to be more effective than in rows. This also leads to better all around eye contact and a feeling of equality between students. DigitalBuyer is an office products retailer specializing in fireproof file cabinets & safes, office furniture, industrial materials handling, office equipment, and commercial products. They proudly serve government, education, corporate, and end-users with everyday low prices and personalized service. They provide School Chairs for every grade-level, including elementary, middle, and high school student chairs. Also featuring combination chair desks, and science lab stools.
